Link feast

Link feast

Our pick of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week or so:

Why Our Memory Fails Us
Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons provide some compelling examples of the fallibility of memory.

PTSD: Do Most People Get it After Terrifying Incidents?
Claudia Hammond looks at the myths surrounding post-traumatic stress.

Real Talk
"For decades, the idea of a language instinct has dominated linguistics" writes Vyvyan Evans at Aeon magazine. "It is simple, powerful and completely wrong."

University of Texas Says It Can Account for Missing Brain Specimens
Nearly a hundred brains were reported missing earlier this week. The NY Times says the mystery appears to be solved.

Great Myths of the Brain: We Only Use 10 Per Cent
The Psychologist magazine published a review of my new book, plus an extract on the stubborn ten per cent myth (free registration required).

Google’s Intelligence Designer
The MIT Technology Review profiles neuroscientist Demis Hassabis, who founded the London-based DeepMind artificial intelligence start-up.

Making Good Use of Bad Timing
"We bend time to make our world make sense," says Matthew Hutson.

A spell-binding, interactive digital tale from the Wellcome Collection "explores a century of madness, murder and mental healing".

Is Internet Addiction a Real Thing?
Maria Konnikova investigates for the New Yorker.

Yes, It's Possible To Be Both An Introvert And An Extravert
According to Robert McCrae, quoted in this Huffington Post article, around 38 per cent of us are "ambiverts".

Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest. 

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Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: Introducing The Psychologist App (new resource) The Psychologist, the monthly publication of the British Psychological Society, has launched a new app. "It is free...

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Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: How the Internet Has Changed Bullying Before the Internet, bullying ended when you withdrew from whatever environment you were in, writes Mario Konnikova at the New Yorker....

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Our pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: IQ Tests Have Been Unfairly Maligned Intelligent words on intelligence from psychologist (and previous Digest guest blogger) Stuart Ritchie. I Tried a Brain-Zapping Gadget and It Made...

- Link Feast
Our pick of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week or so: Down The Culinary Rabbit Hole Over at The Psychologist magazine, Chef Heston Blumenthal describes his work with psychologists,  and there's an exclusive extract...

