Interested in learning more about Domestic Violence?
PSYC 318D provides an overview of research related to intimate partner violence, the community resources available to domestic violence survivors, and the multicultural issues related to interventions with abused women and their children. Students who successfully complete this course have the opportunity to register for a service learning course (PSYC 319D, Spring 2014) where they will facilitate groups for children living in a community shelter for abused women and their children. For more information, see the following link.
Child Abuse In Monkeys
Sadly, children who are abused by their parents are more likely than unharmed children to grow up to become abusive parents themselves. Whether this behaviour is inherited or learned is unclear. Dario Maestripieri at the Yerkes National Primate Research...
New Domestic Violence Study Abroad Course In Italy!
HLTH 389S is a three credit, interdisciplinary 10-day study abroad course from March 15-March 24, 2013 where students will travel to Rome and Sicily to learn about the issues surrounding domestic violence. Course Description: Students enrolled...
Add Some Class To Your Fun In The Sun This Summer! Take A Psyc Summer Term Course!
A forecast of bright and sunny course offerings awaits you for the 2012 Summer Term. This is a great time to take a course to get ahead or complete a PSYC major requirement in a few short weeks. Check out the list of PSYC courses being offered during...
Is Teaching Psychology In Your Future? Become A Gss Psyc 100 Leader Today!
GSS PSYC 100 Leader Position: The Learning Assistance Service of the University Counseling Center will be sponsoring Guided Study Sessions for PSYC 100 in the spring semester. We are looking for a leader to facilitate GSS sessions which are peer-led...
Violence Intervention Assistant's Trainings
The VIA trainings are a "safe space" type training for issues of power-based interpersonal violence: sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking and sexual harassment. It is designed for, and presented by, undergraduate students. Participants learn:...