Is teaching psychology in your future? Become a GSS PSYC 100 Leader today!

Is teaching psychology in your future? Become a GSS PSYC 100 Leader today!

GSS PSYC 100 Leader Position:
The Learning Assistance Service of the University Counseling Center will be sponsoring Guided Study Sessions for PSYC 100 in the spring semester. We are looking for a leader to facilitate GSS sessions which are peer-led collaborative learning groups.  This is a great opportunity for anyone thinking about going to graduate school in psychology or teaching.

GSS PSYC 100 Leader Qualifications:
-Completed PSYC 100 at UM with a grade of A
-Good communication skills
-Desire to help students master PSYC 100 course material

GSS PSYC 100 Leader Responsibilities:
-Attend PSYC 100 lectures
-Lead two one hour Guided Study Sessions per week
-Enroll in EDCP 318N – Leadership in Collaborative Learning Groups for Spring 2012 (where training will be provided)
-Any other administrative duties as assigned

GSS PSYC 100 Contact Information:
For information or to apply, go to the LAS website at . For questions, contact Dr. Marcy Marinelli at [email protected] or call 301-314-7693.

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