Violence Intervention Assistant's Trainings
The VIA trainings are a "safe space" type training for issues of power-based interpersonal violence: sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking and sexual harassment. It is designed for, and presented by, undergraduate students. Participants learn:
- What sexual violence, relationship violence and stalking are
- The impact of these crimes and indicators that they have occurred
- How to help someone who may have experience these crimes
- What resources are available
- Bystander Intervention skills like:
- How to identify high risk situations
- How to safely intervene and prevent violence from occurring
For more information:
To register, students just need to send their contact information and the training date they'd like to attend to
[email protected].
The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the web for the latest psychology journal special issues so you don't have to: The Neurobiology of Violence (Philosophical Transactions B). Living with Risk and Uncertainty (Health, Risk and Society). Imitation in Children with Autism (Journal...
Does Your Boyfriend Let You Out Of His Sight?
So your boyfriend wants to hold your hand when you’re out together – that’s probably just a sign of affection and shows that he’s proud to be with you. But then he starts showing up unexpectedly to check that you’re doing what you said you’d...
Internship Opportunities With The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network!
Internship Opportunities RAINN Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network General Information about RAINN Internships: Online Hotline Internship Information: About RAINN: The Rape, Abuse...
Interested In Learning More About Domestic Violence?
PSYC 318D provides an overview of research related to intimate partner violence, the community resources available to domestic violence survivors, and the multicultural issues related to interventions with abused women and their children. Students who...
New Domestic Violence Study Abroad Course In Italy!
HLTH 389S is a three credit, interdisciplinary 10-day study abroad course from March 15-March 24, 2013 where students will travel to Rome and Sicily to learn about the issues surrounding domestic violence. Course Description: Students enrolled...