Hard Science, Hard Choices podcasts

Hard Science, Hard Choices podcasts

More Science and the City neuroethics podcasts - these are collected as A Slippery Slope: Facts, Ethics and Policy Guiding Neuroscience Today from Library of Congress videos.

On May 10-11, 2005, Columbia University medical ethicist Ruth Fischbach and neuroscientist Gerald Fischbach brought together 28 experts in brain research, treatment, and ethics to discuss the latest findings and potential pitfalls in the fields of neuroimaging, neurotechnology, and neuropharmacology. Sponsored by the Dana Foundation, Columbia University, the National Institute of Mental Health, and the Library of Congress, the symposium "Hard Science, Hard Choices" was held at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.

Topics include neuroimaging, neuroscience and the law, neurotechnologies (including the DBS "brain pacemaker" recently making headlines), genetics, and the transhumanist issue of cognitive enhancement.

Podcasts and more info at NYAS, or browse through all the Library of Congress webcasts.

Tags: podcast webcast neuroscience neuroethics neurotech transhumanism

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