Gorillas using tools!
CNN and the AP are reporting that chimps can use tools. A team at the Bronx zoo studied some gorillas in the Republic of Congo who used large sticks to measure the depth of water and perform other tasks.
The full article is being published in the PLoS Biology (Public Library of Science; yay! open access) as First Observation of Tool Use in Wild Gorillas.
Both gorillas described in the CNN story were female. Figures.
Encephalon 19 At Peripersonal Space
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Abstract Of The Day: Aphasia Screening
Salter K, Jutai J, Foley N, Hellings C, & Teasell R. (2006). Identification of aphasia post stroke: A review of screening assessment tools. Brain Injury, 20(6),, 559-568. Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Parkwood Hospital, St. Joseph's...
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