New Books at UConn
The Evolution of Intelligence, subtitled “Are Humans the Only Animals with Minds?” by James Fetzer (University of Minnesota, Duluth), published by Open Court, c2005. Amazon says the publisher says “Through a fascinating exploration of the mental abilities of species ranging from bacteria to mountain gorillas, noted science philosopher James Fetzer … offers an important new theory of intelligence - one grounded in evolutionary theory and by which machines can be ‘intelligent’ without possessing minds.”
Looks like a big review article on animal intelligence and philosophy. Fetzer has also written extensively on “assassination science” .
Another big review article is Making Sense of Secondary Science: Research into Children’s Ideas by Rosalind Driver, Ann Squires, et al (published by RoutledgeFalmer c1994). It reviews studies done about what secondary school students think about the natural world. Findings are divided into three main sections: life and living processes; materials and their properties; and physical processes. Looks like a good way for high school science teachers to figure out how their students think about science; would also be good for college professors who teach students to be science teachers …
Thoughts Of Death Increase The Appeal Of Intelligent Design
Why do so many people, including many science teachers, continue to find value and appeal in Intelligent Design (ID) - the pseudoscientific account of life's origins that mainstream science has rejected? Part of the answer, according to a new study...
Upcoming Event: Minneapolis, 13 Nov 2009
Center for Bioethics Fall Seminar Series Time: 12:15 to 1:30 pm Location: 1-451 Moos Tower, University of Minnesota campus (unless noted otherwise) Minneapolis, MN ITV to University of Minnesota, Duluth, Room 160 Life Science November 13 “Family Stories:...
"an Evolving Collection"
The Sept. 1 issue of Library Journal addresses Evolutionary Biology in its Collection Development feature. It includes older books that shouldn't be weeded such as Ronald A. Fisher's The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection and Julian S. Huxley's...
Three New Books
Here are two new cog sci books in the UConn library, which might be of interest to the greater cog sci community: The Sage Handbook of Cognition, edited by Koen Lamberts & Robert Goldstone (c2005). Sections include Perception, Attention, and Action; Learning...
Even More New Books!
Arranged by subject, then alphabetically by title ... Animal Behavior The metaphysics of apes : negotiating the animal-human boundary; by Raymond Corbey. publisher: Cambridge, 2005. for more info. Nature's music: the science of birdsong; by ed....