

Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:

Using Piagetian tasks to test the elderly.

Dreams are more negatively biased than reality.

Children's false memories: The tooth fairy has a lot to answer for.

Are autism and psychosis opposites?

Don't tell Rover: Nursing home residents don't always benefit from dog visits.

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10 eye-catching studies that I didn't get the chance to report on in full: How do our brain hemispheres cooperate to avoid false memories? The psychological benefits of refusing to apologise. What's the fastest speed at which a face can be recognised?...

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Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: A little self-doubt can benefit sporting performance (for skipping, at least). Meta-analysis shows job satisfaction and pay are only weakly related. Brain-damaged patient who displays disproportionate...

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Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Non-patients who hear voices. A light touch on the thigh boosts the handstand balance of gymnasts. American participants assign positive words and negative words to themselves in a 60:40 positively...

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Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Is OCD a form of hypermorality? Can children aged five to six years discriminate between accents? The wonderfully named "Silver Lining Questionnaire" used to measure the idea that some good can...

- Abstract Of The Day: Executive Task Performance And Functional Status In Elderly Persons
Rapp MA, Schnaider Beeri M, Schmeidler J, Sano M, Silverman JM, Haroutunian V. Relationship of neuropsychological performance to functional status in nursing home residents and community-dwelling older adults. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry....

