10 eye-catching studies that I didn't get the chance to report on in full:
How do our brain hemispheres cooperate to avoid false memories?
The psychological benefits of refusing to apologise.
What's the fastest speed at which a face can be recognised?
Exploring the transitional process from receiving a diagnosis to living with motor neurone disease
"Power gets the job" Boost your interview chances by first remembering a time you were in a position of power.
Forget the Mozart effect, listening to Vivaldi boosts mental alertness.
Using fMRI to decode people's dreams (see here for a calm assessment).
How stress affects nurses' referral decisions.
Use of laptops in lectures doesn't only distract the user, but also nearby students.
Evidence that "emotional blindness" in autism is not caused by autism per se, but by the co-occurring condition alexithymia
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.
Eye-catching studies that I didn't have the chance to report on in full: Over last 50 yrs - American English books have become progressively more emotional than British English books. Does the foot-in-the-door persuasion effect work when asking someone...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: How many neurons do you REALLY have? Some dogmas of quantitative neuroscience. Smiley faces are perceived to be brighter, literally. Don't tell Sarkozy - people in power overestimate their own...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Non-patients who hear voices. A light touch on the thigh boosts the handstand balance of gymnasts. American participants assign positive words and negative words to themselves in a 60:40 positively...
Eye-catching studies that I didn't get a chance to report on in full: The personality profile of people who get bullied at work. Adults with autism are better than healthy controls at dividing their attention. The biological basis of the nocebo...
The Pursuit Of Power
Everyone knows that power is seductive, but is it power over others that we crave or power over our own actions and decisions? To find out, Marius Van Dijke and Matthijs Poppe devised a financial game in which hundreds of undergrads took turns with a...