Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:A little self-doubt can benefit sporting performance (for skipping, at least).
Meta-analysis shows job satisfaction and pay are only weakly related.
Brain-damaged patient who displays disproportionate difficulty producing verbs compared with nouns.
Photograph-induced memory errors.
Camaraderie protects fire-fighters from effects of stress.
The emergence of collective memories.
The parental behaviours that affect junior tennis player performance.
Questions raised about the idea that creativity resides in the right-side of the brain. Via MindHacks.
The fear and pain associated with committing suicide prevent many people from fulfilling their suicidal thoughts - these barriers may be weakened in people with combat experience, placing them at increased risk.
A new technique for inducing false memories.
Mental time travel in animals.
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: How many neurons do you REALLY have? Some dogmas of quantitative neuroscience. Smiley faces are perceived to be brighter, literally. Don't tell Sarkozy - people in power overestimate their own...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Many of us misunderstand mirrors. How to Gain Eleven IQ Points in Ten Minutes: Thinking Aloud Improves Raven's Matrices Performance in Older Adults. Well-Being Is Related to Having Less Small...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Using Piagetian tasks to test the elderly. Dreams are more negatively biased than reality. Children's false memories: The tooth fairy has a lot to answer for. Are autism and psychosis opposites?...
Fresh Doubt Cast On Memories Of Abuse Recovered In Therapy
Memories of child abuse, long buried, but suddenly recovered in therapy, have been a source of controversy for some time now. The fear is that such memories are false; that they are the product of suggestion, hypnosis, visualisation or other therapeutic...
I'm sorry some readers have had problems with the links in their latest Digest email newsletter (issue 96), particularly in the extras section. The correct links are given below. Memories for sexual trauma are not repressed, rather they are associated...