Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:
The psychological benefits of indoor plants.
Wild chimps rely on cultural knowledge to work out how to reach the honey.
Past research has shown that the socially rejected are better able to distinguish real from fake smiles; this new study shows that they also show a preference for working with people expressing a genuine smile.
Animal emotions, wild justice and why they matter: Grieving magpies, a pissy baboon, and empathic elephants (great article title!)
Being reminded of death increases voter preference for candidates who are charismatic and share their political orientation.
Training in how to be an 'expert patient' might not suit everyone.
Sensitive Periods in Brain Development – Implications for Education Policy (pdf) [via @tomstafford].
Not often you hear about a negative CBT finding: 'CBT is no better than non-specific control interventions in the treatment of schizophrenia and does not reduce relapse rates'.
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Women's brains change in size across the menstrual cycle. Do positive children become positive adults? Reminders of death lead people to want to name their children after themselves. 10- to...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: When people are confronted by a scientific finding that contradicts their existing beliefs, they tend to conclude that the topic in question isn't amenable to scientific study. The effects...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Attentional blink transfers from one hemisphere to another, even in a split-brain patient with a severed corpus callosum. No evidence for neuropsychological impairment among university football...
We're Better At Spotting Fake Smiles When We're Feeling Rejected
The last thing you need if you're feeling rejected is to waste time pursuing friendships with people who aren't genuinely interested. That's according to Michael Bernstein and his colleagues, who say we've actually evolved a perceptual...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: What might happen if psychologists revealed their religious faith to clients. Cephalopod molluscs are conscious, don't you know. (See earlier). How terror increases the appeal of controversial,...