

Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:

What might happen if psychologists revealed their religious faith to clients.

Cephalopod molluscs are conscious, don't you know. (See earlier).

How terror increases the appeal of controversial, charismatic leaders. (See earlier).

Pro-anorexia websites: professional and patient perspectives. (See earlier).

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Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: What do we mean when we say a public figure has integrity? Ageing associated with a deficit in recognising hand gestures (even when other cognition remains intact). What clinical psychologists...

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Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut this fortnight: In terms of driving safety, napping has a more rejuvenating effect on younger people aged 20 to 25 than on the middle-aged (40-50 years old). (See earlier). 'The KKK won't...

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Eye catching studies that didn't make the final cut: The Implicit Association Test, thought to reveal people's true attitudes, can be faked. (See earlier). How winning one prize can be better than winning two. Can trauma lead to compulsive hoarding?...

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Other eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: People who have memories of a 'previous life' are more likely to forget where they first encountered a person's name - a finding that provides a small clue as to why they believe...

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Other eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut this fortnight: Different monetary currencies affect our perception of how expensive things are. Does psychological therapy for bulimia work when it's delivered remotely, over a video link?...

