Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:
When people are confronted by a scientific finding that contradicts their existing beliefs, they tend to conclude that the topic in question isn't amenable to scientific study.
The effects of altitude on brain development.
What influences the favoured therapeutic orientation of clinical psychology trainees - their training or their personality?
Betrayal: A psychological analysis.
We have a better memory for things that appear on the left.
Few people regret viewing the body of a loved one killed in traumatic circumstances.
Nature Neuroscience editorial on the use of students in psychology and neuroscience.
Where people vote affects how they vote.
Female dieters, but not male dieters or non-dieters, equated the sweetness of a drink with it being highly calorific.
A mother's voice on the phone can provide as much relief as a hug, at least in terms of oxytocin release.
A light physical touch from a female stranger can increase financial risk-taking.
A boost of glucose increases dogs' self-control just as it does in humans.
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: People like their bosses to have high emotional intelligence, even more than high IQ. Also: "participants favoured young, male bosses and old, female bosses over old, male bosses and young, female...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Psychodynamic psychotherapy for children and adolescents: a critical review of the evidence base. [open access] Why men and women dehumanize sexually objectified women. "According to our findings,...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Babies as young as 14 months show signs of altruism. Psychological factors that predict adjustment and coping in people with multiple sclerosis. Neurotic people spend more time than others looking...
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Loneliness increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Women prefer men with average jobs rather than high-fliers. Investigating the research productivity of clinical psychology trainees. Once...
Where You Vote Affects Your Vote
I spotted this little item today in Scientific American:"Location, location, location. We all know it’s true of real estate. But it may also apply to the ballot box. Because a team of American researchers has found that where people vote affects how...