

Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut:

Many of us misunderstand mirrors.

How to Gain Eleven IQ Points in Ten Minutes: Thinking Aloud Improves Raven's Matrices Performance in Older Adults.

Well-Being Is Related to Having Less Small Talk and More Substantive Conversations.

Stress broadens men's sexual tastes.

Exposure to the letter 'F' impairs students' performance. The letter 'A' has the opposite effect.

Optimism boosts the immune system.

The adverse effects of using social norms in health communication.

Cameron's body language rated as more attractive and younger than Brown's.

We persist in putting men's names before women's.

Brain scan reads people's episodic memories.

Personality impressions associated with four distinct humor styles.

People act less altruistically and are more likely to cheat and steal after purchasing green products than after purchasing conventional products. [Open Access]

The multiple meanings of “neuro” in neuropsychology.

Last year, functional magnetic resonance imaging made its debut in court. Virginia Hughes asks whether the technique is ready to weigh in on the fate of murderers. [Open Access]

Moms do badly, but grandmas do worse: The nexus of sexism and ageism in children's classics.

Can't wait for the fortnightly round-up of 'Extras'? Several of these links appeared first on the editor's Twitter feed.

- Extras
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Sex differences in eye movement patterns. Believe it or not, when looking at a woman, women apparently scan the whole body, men focus more on the face! "Among participants who were older than 60...

- Extras
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut: Psychodynamic psychotherapy for children and adolescents: a critical review of the evidence base. [open access] Why men and women dehumanize sexually objectified women. "According to our findings,...

- Extras
I'm sorry some readers have had problems with the links in their latest Digest email newsletter (issue 96), particularly in the extras section. The correct links are given below. Memories for sexual trauma are not repressed, rather they are associated...

- Extras
Eye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut this fortnight: 'Spot the book' and 'Spot the country' - new tests for estimating people's IQ prior to brain-related illness or injury. The brains of men and women differ in how...

- Business World: Neurognostics, Inc. & Fmri
From a company press release: Neurognostics: Nets Its First Distributor 11/17/2005 Milwaukee, WI, November 17, 2005 - Neurognostics, Inc., a Wisconsin company specializing in functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) products and services,...

