Charlie Rose: The Brain Series (Series 2)
The Charlie Rose show is airing episodes from Series 2 of its "Brain Series."
Series 2 is a series of episodes that deal with brain disorders.
Home page
Mind Changers
I've just heard that a new series of BBC Radio 4's Mind Changers programme is starting on Wednesday 28 Nov, with the first episode focusing on The Stanford Prison Experiment, and the second on The Heinz Dilemma. The topic for the third and final...
Blow Your Mind With Hostile Thinkies
Brain Filled Hostile THINKIES! Wacky Packages Original Series8th Series - 1974...
Media: We've Got Charlie Rose On The Brain!
Charlie Rose began his series of episodes about neuroscience with his show last evening, the 29th of October. Go to his website to watch the full episode from the 29th and to check in for the additional episodes: Charlie Rose homepage From the website:...
Media: Charlie Rose
Charlie Rose has placed the video archives of his show online for viewing! Some excellent interviews in the fields neuroscience and medicine to be found, along with so many other fascinating interviews. Available at
2 New Cs Books
Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition: Integrative Perspectives on Intellectual Functioning and Development (The Educational Psychology Series); by David Yun Dai, Robert J. Sternberg. publisher: Erlbaum, 2004. for more info.
Spatial Reasoning and Planning...