Mind Changers
I've just heard that a new series of BBC Radio 4's Mind Changers programme is starting on Wednesday 28 Nov, with the first episode focusing on The Stanford Prison Experiment, and the second on The Heinz Dilemma. The topic for the third and final episode isn't public yet.
From the BBC website: "Claudia Hammond presents a series looking at the development of the science of psychology during the 20th century."
Claudia Hammond is a writer and broadcaster who specialises in psychology. She's the author of Emotional
Rollercoaster: A journey through the science of feelings, and she writes regularly for Psychologies magazine.
From a trawl around the BBC website it appears the Mind Changers series began with three episodes in 2003 (
Asch, Piaget and Bartlett), and then returned with three more episodes in 2005 (Watson,
Ainsworth, Eysenck) and 2006. If you click the links you'll be able to listen to past episodes again, but unfortunately, the 2006 shows don't seem to be available.
Link to Mind Changers.
Link to Mind Changers shows from 2005.
Link to Mind Changers shows from 2003.
Post written by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.
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