Blow Your Mind with Hostile THINKIES
Brain Filled Hostile THINKIES!
Wacky Packages Original Series
8th Series - 1974
Does A Murderer's Crime-scene Behaviour Echo His Criminal History?
In the old days of criminal profiling, a psychologist would study the idiosyncrasies of a crime scene with the expert-eye of an art collector inspecting a painting of unknown provenance. They'd draw on their clinical and forensic knowledge to help...
Eye-catching articles that didn't make the final cut: What's the point of an elaborate recruitment process if employers are biased by what they already know about candidates? A new study looks at whether recruiters are able to ignore this preliminary...
The Health Costs Of A Hostile Disposition
Here's a great scientific reason to be nice. American psychologists have shown that having a hostile attitude could be bad for your health, especially if you are someone judged by society to be of lower social status. Benita Jackson and colleagues...
Chatting As A Girl ...
... can be scary. APM's Future Tense reports that chat rooms can be hostile to girls. In some ways this isn't a surprise, but the magnitude of the hostility is striking. "A study by the University of Maryland's School of Engineering finds...
Optical Illusions
From David Pogue's New York Times blog comes this: Technology / Pogues Posts: A Wacky Persistence of Vision Test New York Times, June 10, 2005 By DAVID POGUE This wild and wacky persistence-of-vision test is a new one on me. There is absolutely, positively...