...always sardonic (and occasionally scathing).
The Neurocritic is very pleased about this wonderful review from Nikhil Swaminathan in the February 2008 issue of
Scientific American Mind:
Blogs on the Brain
by Nikhil Swaminathan
Scientific American Mind offers up a hearty helping of science, but for the most voracious brain buffs six issues a year may not be enough. Fortunately, plenty of extra crumbs of brain candy can be picked up online in the blogosphere.
. . .
For a blog with more personality, try The Neurocritic, which is always sardonic (and occasionally scathing). According to his bio, the anonymous author has led a hard-knock life, and he works out his hostility by excoriating scientists and journalists who dare to sensationalize findings. In November he jumped on the authors of a New York Times op-ed over the dubious results of their fMRI study regarding people’s perceptions of the 2008 presidential candidates.
Also reviewed are these terrific blogs: Cognitive Daily, Mind Hacks, PsyBlog, The Frontal Cortex, and Channel N.
Omni Brain
I'm pleased to announce I'm now blogging for Omni Brain. It's a great blog about fun and funny brain science news. Mind Hacks calls it "wonderfully anarchic." Neurofuture remains my baby, and I also write for Psych Central, a terrific web...
Nominees For The 2009 3qd Prize In Science
3 Quarks Daily 2009 Science Prize: Vote HereFor details of the prize you can look at the announcement here, and to read the nominated posts you can go here for a complete list with links. Voting ends at midnight on June 8, 2009. Four posts from The Neurocritic...
Scientific American's Science & Technology Web Awards 2005
Congratulations to blogs The Loom by Carl Zimmer and Mind Hacks by Tom Stafford, Matt Webb, and Vaughan Bell and Harvard's website The Whole Brain Atlas for being three neuroscience-related sites among 25 scientific sites chosen for recognition by...
Politics & The Brain
Some interesting news / articles lately about the political brain. Here are some tidbits, in the order in which I heard them: This week's All in the Mind covered the political brain: "As Australians stand in front of the cardboard voting booth next...
Science Blogs
Science Librarian pal Naka Ishii receommended a cog sci blog I hadn't known about, which leads me to post this short list of science blogs new to me, and maybe to you. Naka points me to Mind Matters, a cognitive science blog by Scientific American....