Omni Brain
I'm pleased to announce I'm now blogging for Omni Brain. It's a great blog about fun and funny brain science news. Mind Hacks calls it "wonderfully anarchic."
Neurofuture remains my baby, and I also write for Psych Central, a terrific web resource. Huge archives and up to the minute info.
There are a few other sites on my personal blogroll as well but you don't want to read about my new shoes, do you?
Tags: blogs neuroblogs
How Do You Celebrate 10 Years Of An Anonymous Blog?
Today, The Neurocritic celebrates ten years as a blog. Given the ongoing use of a pseudonym, how should I commemorate the occasion? 1. Should I finally update my blog template? (“Hey, 2004 wants their Blogger template back”). 2. Should I throw a...
...always Sardonic (and Occasionally Scathing).
The Neurocritic is very pleased about this wonderful review from Nikhil Swaminathan in the February 2008 issue of Scientific American Mind: Blogs on the Brain by Nikhil Swaminathan Scientific American Mind offers up a hearty helping of science, but for...
Scientific American's Science & Technology Web Awards 2005
Congratulations to blogs The Loom by Carl Zimmer and Mind Hacks by Tom Stafford, Matt Webb, and Vaughan Bell and Harvard's website The Whole Brain Atlas for being three neuroscience-related sites among 25 scientific sites chosen for recognition by...
Science Blogs
Science Librarian pal Naka Ishii receommended a cog sci blog I hadn't known about, which leads me to post this short list of science blogs new to me, and maybe to you. Naka points me to Mind Matters, a cognitive science blog by Scientific American....
Rssfwd Helps Me Stay Current
Tony showed me a very cool way to stay current with blogs: RssFwd. Their tag line is “Reading RSS the way you are already reading your emails“ — they will take an RSS feed and email you when there are new posts to the blog. I believe Tony uses this...