WNYC: "Free Will and the Science of the Brain"
Today on WYNC's
Leonard Lopate show, Dr. Michael Gazzaniga.
Listen and/or download here
New Nature Neuropod
The February edition of Neuropod presented by Kerri Smith is up and is a great listen today. Listen to or download the edition and enjoy features about the connectome, thoughts on just how many neurons are present in the average human brain, and "The...
Aphasia: Caregiver Account
Available for streaming and as a podcast, from WNYC: "Diane Ackerman's One Hundred Names for Love" Listen 22 April 2011 WNYC Leonard Lopate Show "Diane Ackerman talks about her husband, Paul West’s, stroke and long recovery. He was afflicted with...
Dr. Michael Gazzaniga On C-span's Booktv
A mid-June interview of Dr. Michael Gazzaniga by novelist Tom Wolfe is airing this weekend on C-SPAN's BookTV. Topics include neuroethics and Gazzaniga's newest book, The Ethical Brain. The interview was held at the New York Academy of Sciences....
Dr. Michael Gazzaniga
Today's New York Times included an interview with Dr. Michael Gazzaniga, an eminent neuroscientist who is currently the director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Dartmouth. The article - A Career Spent Learning How the Mind Emerges From...
Michael Gazzaniga Now
I've just seen / heard about a couple of interviews with Michael Gazzaniga, the father of cognitive neuroscience: He was on the Australian radio show All in the Mind in June, and they introduce him as follows: One of the big names of the brain is...