New Nature Neuropod

New Nature Neuropod

The February edition of Neuropod presented by Kerri Smith is up and is a great listen today. Listen to or download the edition and enjoy features about the connectome, thoughts on just how many neurons are present in the average human brain, and "The Good, the Bad, and the Monkey."

Just where did that number of 100 billion come from?

One number is sure: it is the 50th episode of this popular podcast. Congrats!


Homepage and link to podcast

- Alzheimer's Disease: Nature's "neuropod" Podcast For July 2013
The July edition of "Neuropod" includes a discussion of risk factors in Alzheimer's disease. Access the podcast here...

- "redefining Dementia In Denmark" From The Cbc
The CBC show, "The Sunday Edition," has an excellent feature 0n 18 November 2012 called "Redefining Dementia in Denmark." It can be heard at the link below and via their podcast. The Sunday Edition...

- The Guardian's Science Weekly Podcast: Blogging The Brain
This week's podcast includes The Guardian's new neuroscience blogger, Mo Costandi. Listen to the podcast...

- More On Embodied Cognition
Ginger Campbell interviews philosopher Lawrence Shapiro about his new book, Embodied Cognition, on the March 25, 2011 episode of the Brain Science Podcast. Shapiro writes about his new book on his website: I lay out the various research programs within...

- Scienceonline11: Scienceweekly Podcast
I really enjoyed #scio11, also known as ScienceOnline 2011. Here is another of the neat things I learned: My bee buddy Kerstin Hoppenhaus introduced me to Alok Jha's Science weekly podcast. I listened to and loved an episode on my drive to the conference...

