Why I Teach Dialog in LIS
I've started blogging occasionally over at the ACRL blog. My first post is called Why Do I Teach (Dialog) in LIS? If you've learned Dialog in the course of your library school education, take a gander at the post & let me know your thoughts. Turns out to be a very polarizing question!
There are some interesting notes in the blog's Comments section, and Wayne Bivens-Tatum's post over at Academic Librarian are interesting as well.
So, come on and join the dialog!
Working With Faculty On Instruction Assignments
Two of my former students have pointed me to an interesting blog piece called "Stepping on Toes: The Delicate Art of Talking to Faculty about Questionable Assignments" by Ellie Collier. Collier talks about faculty aversion to "online" resources -- and...
More Library Instruction Or Better Database Interfaces?
My librarian friend Emily Alling recently posted a question on Facebook asking if you were the head of a reference department: which should / would get more priority, more instruction on how to use library resources, or better interfaces for those resources?...
Helping Scholars Find Material (rant)
John Dupuis, who writes the blog Confessions of a Science Librarian refers us to an interesting series of posts called "Finding Scientific Papers for Free." Written by biologist Sandra Porter on her blog Discovering Biology in a Digital World, they are...
Addendum To Thoughts About Reference
My thoughts on this topic are evolving, and there are so many related blog posts about it, that I've created a separate post for my links & additional thoughts on The Future of Reference. In no particular order: * From the 2007 Massachusetts Library...
Rebooting The Blog
The curse of only occasionally writing a blog is that when other things intrude (like real work) the blog tends to suffer. A bunch of work plus finishing reading Heft lead to this hiatus (once Heft's covered Gibson, he moves onto Roger Barker and...