What is the Self?

What is the Self?

Recommended: The Guardian's Science Weekly podcast on April 4. Alok Jha interviews philosopher Julian Baggini, who talks about the latest thinking in neuropsychology on what it means to be "me". Baggini interviewed Daniel Dennett and others for his new book Ego trick : in search of the self. Jha and Baggini play some of the interviews on the show. Great show!

- Podcast: The Guardian's Science Weekly: "the Inscrutable Brain"
This week's Science Weekly podcast from The Guardian includes a segment called The Inscrutable Brain. [snippet] "On this week's show Alok Jha meets science writer Bryan Appleyard to discuss his new book The Brain is Wider than the Sky: Why Simple...

- Podcast From @propublica, Or, How News Sausage Is Made
My new favorite podcast is from online news outlet ProPublica. The official blurb about it is: The ProPublica Podcast is a weekly program featuring interviews with reporters about the latest investigations published by ProPublica. I love the interviews...

- Scienceonline11: Scienceweekly Podcast
I really enjoyed #scio11, also known as ScienceOnline 2011. Here is another of the neat things I learned: My bee buddy Kerstin Hoppenhaus introduced me to Alok Jha's Science weekly podcast. I listened to and loved an episode on my drive to the conference...

- Finding Cogsci Podcasts
In case you're wondering ... here are some ways to find nifty cognitive science & other podcasts. Here's a Google search trick I use to find podcasts of interviews with folks whom I'd like to hear: inurl:podcast + "name of person" (in...

- Daniel Dennett Podcast On Public Radio’s Tech Nation
From their podcast entry in iTunes, "Dr. Moira Gunn interviews Daniel Dennett Daniel Dennett, professor of philosophy at Tufts University and author of Breaking the Spell -- Religion as a Natural Phenomenon. He looks at the emergence of religion throughout...

