ScienceOnline11: ScienceWeekly Podcast
I really enjoyed #scio11, also known as ScienceOnline 2011. Here is another of the neat things I learned:
- My bee buddy Kerstin Hoppenhaus introduced me to Alok Jha's Science weekly podcast. I listened to and loved an episode on my drive to the conference -- and then met Alok himself. I highly recommend his podcast.
- The Jan. 24 episode is about ScienceOnline, so you can hear more about the conference.
- The September 20, 2010 episode is entitled What the Brain Can and Can't Do and is a good listen for cognitive science aficionados.
- Alok and ScienceWeekly are both on Twitter.
Science weekly comes out Mondays, so listen to it today!
New Nature Neuropod
The February edition of Neuropod presented by Kerri Smith is up and is a great listen today. Listen to or download the edition and enjoy features about the connectome, thoughts on just how many neurons are present in the average human brain, and "The...
Science Weekly Podcast: Understanding The Brain
This week's Science Weekly podcast from The Guardian includes a report about the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) annual conference ("the brainiest science conference on the planet") and a report about dementia. Listen to the podcast here...
Podcast: The Guardian's Science Weekly: "the Inscrutable Brain"
This week's Science Weekly podcast from The Guardian includes a segment called The Inscrutable Brain. [snippet] "On this week's show Alok Jha meets science writer Bryan Appleyard to discuss his new book The Brain is Wider than the Sky: Why Simple...
More On Embodied Cognition
Ginger Campbell interviews philosopher Lawrence Shapiro about his new book, Embodied Cognition, on the March 25, 2011 episode of the Brain Science Podcast. Shapiro writes about his new book on his website: I lay out the various research programs within...
Takeaways From Scienceonline 2011
I really enjoyed #scio11, also known as ScienceOnline 2011, held in North Carolina's RTP for its fifth year. ScienceOnline is an informal conference of scientists, students, educators, physicians, journalists, librarians, bloggers, programmers and...