Upcoming Event: 05 February 2007, Philadelphia
"The cognitive neuroscience of remote memory: implication for theories of hippocampal neocortal interaction." Continuation of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Talk Series, presented by Dr. Morris Moscovitch, University of Toronto.
Time: 12 pm - 1:15 pm
Location: 3401 Walnut Street, A Tower 400A
School: Univerity of Pennsylvania, School of Arts and Sciences
More information: webpage
Upcoming Event: Minneapolis, 13 Nov 2009
Center for Bioethics Fall Seminar Series Time: 12:15 to 1:30 pm Location: 1-451 Moos Tower, University of Minnesota campus (unless noted otherwise) Minneapolis, MN ITV to University of Minnesota, Duluth, Room 160 Life Science November 13 “Family Stories:...
60-second Psych And 60-second Lectures
Scientific American has created a courtesy weekly podcast to highlight research about the brain and behavior. The podcast can be accessed at this webpage: Scientific American webpage. Not a bad way to spend a minute! Which, by the way, reminds me to mention...
Upcoming Event: Philadelphia, 23 February 2006
From the College of Physicians of Philadelphia website: 23 February 2006 6:00 PM 19 South 22nd Street, Philadelphia Section on Medicine and the Arts Salon. "Alzheimer's Narratives: Voicing the Experience of Patients and Families." David H....
The Booming Memory Industry
My brain needs Viagra Are memory lapses the result of stressful family lives or multi-tasking? Or maybe the simple aging process? By JAN WONG The Globe and Mail Saturday, March 12, 2005 Updated at 9:26 AM EST [snip] Senior moments are becoming boomer...
Upcoming Event: Philadelphia, November 2004
A symposium in the field of study for which two researchers (Drs. Richard Axel and Linda Buck) were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine last week will be held on the 8th of November in Philadelphia. The symposium is sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania...