Upcoming Event: Philadelphia, 23 February 2006

Upcoming Event: Philadelphia, 23 February 2006

From the College of Physicians of Philadelphia website:

23 February 2006
6:00 PM
19 South 22nd Street, Philadelphia

Section on Medicine and the Arts Salon.
"Alzheimer's Narratives: Voicing the Experience of Patients and Families."
David H. Flood, Ph.D., Professor, Health and Society Programs, Drexel University
Rhonda L. Soricelli, M.D., Chair, Section on Medicine and the Arts.

This illustrated presentation will show that through analyses of Alzheimer's narratives - those written by patients as they descend into the disease, by caregivers as they struggle to cope, and by writers who enter imaginatively into the lives of those affected - we can come to a better understanding of the disease and its dreadful impact. Jason Karlawish, MD, Fellow, Institute on Aging, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and Danita Vetter, MA, Vice-President of Programs and Education, Delaware Valley Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association, will contribute to the follow-up discussion.

For reservations or additional information, please contact Mara Zepeda at 215.563.3737, ext. 225 or [email protected].

Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology | brain

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