The winner is...

The winner is...

Wow, I'm truly impressed! 50 inspired and inspiring new neurowords were entered in the contest by 30 people. Ranging from jokiness to snarkiness to serious descriptions of science, I think a lot of them are destined to enter the lexicon. Now that you've invented them, you'll use them, right?

Ultimately, that's what determined the winner.

"Neurologism: a word created by prefixing "neuro" to almost any normal word" was the first entry in the contest, and the gold standard. As soon as I read it I laughed and said to myself, damn, it's going to be tough to beat that.

It was. My mind was open though, I was a fair judge, so I was torn between neurologism and several other outstanding words. I didn't decide until today when I saw it used on other blogs. That did it – a word that not only defined the entire concept behind the contest but was instantly adopted by all who read it? Yep. That's a winner.

Congratulations, Neil H.!

And congratulations to everyone who coined a neurologism – your imagination keeps language alive.

- Baw Wraps Up
Brain Awareness Week concludes today, and with that I'll post the final neurosong. It's actually a whole set of them - the Neuro Nation Mix by DJ Statikfire, a Chicago DJ who specializes in "industrial/gabber/electro and tech house/electro/synth"...

- More On Neurowords
Neuromarketing is not that new, so reading a story in EurekAlert about "a groundbreaking new study" that is supposedly "the first to use fMRI to assess consumer perceptions" is a little disappointing. Neurowords aren't spreading through the lexicon...

- Neurocontroversy
My neuroword contest has brought many clever, creative entries from people like an artificial intelligence developer, neuroethicist, neuroinformatics developer, and some just described as neuroscientists. But one member of that subset has a problem with...

- Baw - Day 2
Brain Awareness Week continues, with today's neurosong: Kiln - Neuron. Like the neuroword neurosong? Those are both neologisms I coined. With the proliferation of relatively new terms like neuroethics, neuroaesthetics, neuromarketing, neuroeconomics,...

- Neuroscience For Kids!! 2009 Drawing Contest!
The 2008-2009 NEUROSCIENCE FOR KIDS Drawing CONTEST is now open! Here are [some of] the rules: Only one entry per person. Use either the PDF or WORD versions of the official entry form (copies of the form are acceptable) to enter a picture on the topic...

