BAW - Day 2
Brain Awareness Week continues, with today's neurosong: Kiln -
Like the neuroword neurosong? Those are both neologisms I coined. With the proliferation of relatively new terms like neuroethics, neuroaesthetics, neuromarketing, neuroeconomics, neurophilosophy, and many more, it's easy to get swept up in the neurohype and be a little creative. For me it started with a sci fi series I wrote and titled
Neuropunk. When I discovered the name was already in use (it's also a bad title because it's too similar to cyberpunk and that grand neuroword, William Gibson's
Neuromancer) I came up with a bunch more and haven't stopped since.
To celebrate Brain Awareness Week I invite you to try your hand at neuroword neologisms. I'm hosting a contest: leave a comment with your original neuroword, definition and email address and at the end of the week the best will win a special set of 52 brain teaser puzzles on playing cards. Puzzles are great for neurofitness (Faith Popcorn coined that one) and fun besides.
Think one up, and enter!
[Contest is now over. The winner is...]
[And the
other winner is...]
Neurologisms Revisited
During Brain Awareness Week 2006 (BAW) I held a neuroword contest. From 50 entries, witty and descriptive and serious and catchy, some all at once, the winner is: Neurologism: a word created by prefixing "neuro" to almost any normal word. The contest...
Health problems kept me off my keyboard. While I recuperated, a diet of hardcover books instead of RSS feeds changed my priorities a bit. I'd been neglecting other projects for this blog. The intarweb is a highly distracting time suck, as I'm...
The Winner Is...
Wow, I'm truly impressed! 50 inspired and inspiring new neurowords were entered in the contest by 30 people. Ranging from jokiness to snarkiness to serious descriptions of science, I think a lot of them are destined to enter the lexicon. Now that...
More On Neurowords
Neuromarketing is not that new, so reading a story in EurekAlert about "a groundbreaking new study" that is supposedly "the first to use fMRI to assess consumer perceptions" is a little disappointing. Neurowords aren't spreading through the lexicon...
My neuroword contest has brought many clever, creative entries from people like an artificial intelligence developer, neuroethicist, neuroinformatics developer, and some just described as neuroscientists. But one member of that subset has a problem with...