The iPod of the Brain
National Public Radio:
The iPod of the Brain by David Malakoff
Morning Edition March 14, 2005
Researchers at Dartmouth College find the "iPod of the brain." They've learned that the brain's auditory cortex, the part that handles information from our ears, holds on to musical memories. So even when that perky pop song isn't on the radio, you still hear it in your head.
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Musical Hallucinations
From tomorrow's New York Times: Neuron Network Goes Awry, and Brain Becomes an IPod By CARL ZIMMER The New York Times Published: July 12, 2005 [snip] Only a handful of brain scans have been made of people with musical hallucinations. Dr. Tim Griffiths,...
"cosmetic Neurology" - Part 2
National Public Radio's All Things Considered aired a story yesterday on the topic of cognitive-enhancing medications which, along with the earlier Wall Street Journal report, was generated by a commentary in the current issue of Neurology.Drug Sparks...
Messy Reptilian Brains
Sharon Begley uses her article April 9, 2007 article in Newsweek, In Our Messy Reptilian Brains to review a new book by Johns Hopkins professor of neuroscience David Linden The Accidental Mind. In it, Begley quotes Linden as saying that while the brain...
More Online Audio
Bob points me to the Internet Archive Audio Archive where there are gobs and gobs of audio files to be downloaded. He warns that the site could cause marital problems, and already I see how that could be possible. Hear Donald Norman, he of the Psychology...
Where Reference & Music Geekiness Meet
A must-have for a reference / iPod geek? Merriam-Webster Reference for the iPod . For $9.95, you can get Merriam-Webster‘s 2006 Pocket Dictionary on your iPod. iPrepPress offers other reference / study guides for the iPod, including several Shakespeare...