More Online Audio

More Online Audio

Bob points me to the Internet Archive Audio Archive where there are gobs and gobs of audio files to be downloaded. He warns that the site could cause marital problems, and already I see how that could be possible.

Hear Donald Norman, he of the Psychology of Everyday Things talk about Emotional Design, which was the keynote presentation at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference held in San Diego, California, February 12, 2004.

Or hear Michael Moore speaking at the DNC in Boston in 2004, or How to Meditate, from the Discovering Buddhism Program at the Tse Chen Ling Center, or the Cheshire Public Library (Teen) Podcast, or presidential recordings ... you get the picture.

Oh and here's a tip for listening on an iPod in the car: crank up the volume on any spoken word podcast to 9 or so (doesn't go to 11, sadly) and set the "Equalizer Preset" to "Spoken Word." Makes things a lot easier to hear in a noisy environment.

- Lis Books
Over on facebook, some librarians are having a discussion of favorite LIS books. I can't think of a dedicated LIS book that I like, but here are two that have shaped my view of design and users: * Krug, Steve. Don't Make Me Think! : A Common Sense...

- Lita's Top Tech Trends Podcasting
LITA's (ALA's Library & Information Technology Association) got some podcasts going over at the LITA Blog. Yay! Now if you didn't go to ALA's Midwinter Meeting, you can still hear various library thinkers talking about their Top Tech Trends....

- Preserving Languages
Fun podcast recently from Science Friday about"a plan to preserve dying languages before they disappear entirely. The National Science Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, and Smithsonian institution are planning approximately $2 million...

- (engineering) Success Through Failure
Today's New York Times has an article about the engineer, Henry Petroski, who, they say, "seems strangely enthusiastic about failure." For him, "... failures in design and construction present perfect teaching opportunities. They are object lessons...

- Free Continuing Ed For Librarians!
Saw a terrific SirsiDynix Institute “webinar” this week on the Digital Library Federation‘s Electronic Resources Management Initiative. Tim Jewell hosted this event, which was a lecture and accompanying PowerPoint. It was informative and very professional....

