The Game Brain

The Game Brain

Keep mentally active; chisel and tone those lobes:

Lifestyle May Be Key to Slowing Brain's Aging
Scientists Test Simple Ways to Keep One's Wits
By Rob Stein
The Washington Post
Sunday, August 14, 2005; Page A01

Like many Americans sliding into middle age, Kimberly McClain started worrying that her memory was beginning to slip.

"It was little things. I couldn't remember what I had for dinner the night before. I had to check to make sure I'd paid the insurance that month. I'd walk into a room and realize I had no idea why I was there," said the Los Angeles marriage counselor, who is 44.

So McClain started a program designed to help -- a detailed regimen that includes daily memory exercises.

"I'm much clearer now," McClain said. "I have no problem finding my keys. I can tell you what I had for dinner last night. I'm not walking into a room thinking, 'Why did I come in here?'"

McClain is among the increasing number of Americans who are performing mental calisthenics, taking Italian classes, deciphering crossword puzzles and hunting for other ways to try to keep their minds from fading.

[ ... Read the full article ... ]
Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology | brain

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