Hippocampus and Early-Life Memories
The November issue of
The APA Monitor includes a short piece about a recent talk by Dr. Lynn Nadel discussing advances in research related to the hippocampus and memory:
Why we can't remember when...The hippocampus's role in memory may help explain why we cannot remember our early childhood, and why stress affects our memory later in life.By LEA WINERMAN
APA Monitor
November 2005
Print version: page 36
[ ... Read the article ... ]-
Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology | brain
Malnutrition And The Brain
From the December issue of The APA Monitor:Feed the birds Songbird study offers new insights into how malnutrition impairs development and cognition By Rachel Adelson The APA Monitor December 2005 Print version: page 16 Slim postpartum pickings for...
The Performance Of Impermanence
An excellent piece in tomorrow's New York Times:Memorizing Her Lines Is Out of the Question By DAVID CARR The New York Times Published: October 9, 2005 THE first time I met Caris Corfman after her one-woman show at the Flea Theater, she looked -...
Mirror Neurons
The cover story of the October 2005 issue of the American Psychological Association Monitor is one of several articles in the issue about mirror neurons: "The Mind's Mirror" by Lea Winerman. - Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology |...
Memory Divided
The new October issue of the American Psychological Association's Monitor on Psychology includes several short articles of interest to neuroscience readers. One of these articles is about one researcher's career of researching memory systems....
Scents & Sleep
The New York Times article Study Uncovers Memory Aid: A Scent During Sleep says that smells may help us remember things better. They quote a study recently published in Science: "The smell of roses — delivered to people’s nostrils as they studied...