The Game Brain

The Game Brain

I recently noticed a press release about a new entrant in the Game Brain game: Sharp Brains.

- The 2008 World Telekinesis Competition... nearly upon us! DESCRIPTION This is a game of competitive telekinesis in which two teams compete over a distance to psychically influence the behavior of a candle. The match is played by lighting a candle at the centre of the game board, signalling...

- Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Gaming And Executive Control In Older Adults
Space Fortress game training and executive control in older adults: A pilot intervention Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn. 2011 Oct 12; Stern Y, Blumen HM, Rich LW, Richards A, Herzberg G, Gopher D Abstract ABSTRACT We investigated the...

- The Game Brain
The Wall Street Journal today has an article on the front page of its Marketplace section about Nintendo's entry to The Game Brain trend: Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day. Nintendo's Brain-Training Game Targets Older Players Ginny...

- Neuropsychology Executive-function Card Game?
Boing Boing posts today about a "geeky card game" that seems to call for a good dose of healthy frontal lobe functioning. The game is called "Set." Read the posting here. (Another Boing Boing post today is about an online atlas of the monkey brain.) -...

- Neuroplasticity On Pbs
A recent Mind Hacks post alerted me to the upcoming PBS series Brain Fitness Program, to be shown as part of the December 2007 pledge drive. From the PBS Press Release: "Dr. [Michael] Merzenich, of the University of California San Francisco, has been...

