

Shrink Rap tagged me for a Thinking Blogger "award" and so in turn, here are five thoughtful blogs I recommend.

The Neurocritic
Brain Ethics
Positive Technology Journal
Doc Gm Splash Fly
Machines Like Us

- The Blogularity
Technorati released a blogosphere status report and after reading that it's "60 times bigger than it was only 3 years ago" and other factoids I looked at an accompanying chart and it struck me - there's surely going be a blog singularity. See...

- A Thinking Blogger?
While we're on the topic of being a snarky cranky critic... ...Shelley at Retrospectacle has kindly nominated me for a Thinking Blogger Award!1. Not much is known about the author of The Neurocritic blog, but he's funny, snarky, and blogs neuro-stuff...

- For Neuroshopping, Use The Neurocritic Card
Don't leave home without it. Tagged by Omni Brain. The "library card for your blog" meme. You're it....

- Tag!
Bad blogger! Turns out I was tagged by The Mouse Trap (and Sandy G) in psychology, lies and videotapes (over 2 weeks ago). Eww, I'm supposed to mention 9 things about myself. That's not gonna happen here... but thanks for the invite!...

- Libsite Cites
Have you seen LibSite? It's a social networking sie that showcases great library web sites. "Sites" can include content, library home pages, and blogs. I promoted the awesome Danbury Library Catalog. Check out web sites that librarians (and non-librarians,...

