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Suggest a study

Have you come across an exciting new psychology experiment that you'd like to see featured in the Digest?

If so, please make your suggestion by clicking 'comment(s)' below. The research must be new and published in a respected peer-reviewed journal. Please give the full reference and a brief explanation for why the research would excite our broad readership.

- Peer Review Trial And Debate At Nature
Omni Brain links to a new feature at Nature: a 3 month trial period of "open" peer review. For those who opt to submit their papers under this track, authors can choose to have their submissions posted on a preprint server for open comments, in parallel...

- How To Be A Referee
no ... not a football referee, but a referee for peer-reviewed journals, and in this case, journals in the field of library & information science. My e-buddy Phil Edwards has written a nice piece in the November 2007 issue of College & Research...

- Google & Ill-formed Searches
Great article in the online journal Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP) ("a peer-reviewed electronic journal that publishes articles exploring the connection between library practice and the philosophy and theory behind it.") about using Google in the...

- Another Cogsci Blog
Cognitive Daily is a scholarly blog about CS. Here's what the Mungers say about their blog: "Cognitive Daily reports nearly every day on fascinating peer-reviewed developments in cognition from the most respected scientists in the field. "The research...

- We've Been Nominated!
The team at ResearchBlogging.Org and Seed Media Group are honouring the best bloggers who discuss peer-reviewed research in the first Research Blogging Awards. Over 400 nominations were made, and an expert panel of judges have whittled them down to 5-10...

