Another CogSci Blog
Cognitive Daily is a scholarly blog about CS. Here's what the Mungers say about their blog:
"Cognitive Daily reports nearly every day on fascinating peer-reviewed developments in cognition from the most respected scientists in the field.
"The research isn't dumbed down, but it's explained in language that everyone can understand, with clear illustrations and references to the original research."
Take a look at their face perception post and see what you think.
Bloggers Behind The Blogs: Dave Munger
This is part of an ongoing series of interviews with some of the world's leading psychology and neuroscience bloggers. Next up, Dave Munger of the Research Blogging consortium and the hugely popular, but now discontinued, Cognitive Daily. How did...
We're The 20th Best Science Blog!
Wikio internet portal have re-written their algorithm for calculating blog rankings and as a result the Digest has leapt 8 places in the science blog list to number 20 in the world. That makes us the second highest ranked psychology/neuroscience blog...
Looking Away -- Personal Or Concetration?
Cognitive Daily reviews “a new cognitive psychology article nearly every day”. On Nov. 8, they reviewed an article about gaze & face-to-face conversation. They ask “… do we look away because we’re self-conscious, or because it helps us concentrate?”...
Tv News
Very interesting development in TV News: blogging by the news presenters. Brian Williams, NBC’s nightly news anchor, has a blog (can’t link directly; click on "The Daily Nightly" to see the most recent entries). An August 25 New York Times story...
We've Been Nominated!
The team at ResearchBlogging.Org and Seed Media Group are honouring the best bloggers who discuss peer-reviewed research in the first Research Blogging Awards. Over 400 nominations were made, and an expert panel of judges have whittled them down to 5-10...