SOCY Summer Course
SOCY Summer Course Offering!
SOCY230 Sociological Social Psychology; (3 credits) Grade Method: REG/P-F/AUD.
Theoretical perspectives and their applications. Socialization through the life course, the self-concept, attitudes, emotion, attribution, interpersonal relations, group processes, deviance, and social change.
0101(22237) STAFF (Seats=30, Open=29, Waitlist=0) Books
Meets 05/31/11-07/10/11
MTuWThF... 1:00pm- 2:40pm (ASY 3203)
0601(22236) STAFF (Seats=30, Open=28, Waitlist=0) Books
Meets 08/01/11-08/19/11
MTuWThF... 1:00pm- 4:00pm (ASY 3207)
Bored This Summer? There Is Still Time To Sign Up For A Summer Course!
Bored This Summer? There is Still Time to Sign up for a Summer Course! There are still open seats in these 4 psychology courses for the second summer session beginning July 11th! PSYC300: Research Methods in Psychology (hybrid) PSYC334: Interpersonal...
Apply Psychology To The Workplace This Winter As A Psyc 361 I/o Psychology Student!
PSYC 361 Survey of Industrial/Organizational PsychologyWinter Term 2016January 3-22MTuWThF 1:00pm - 4:00pm BPS 1238 Survey of Industrial/Organizational Psychology is designed to introduce you to a variety of...
The University Of Maryland Autism Research Consortium Presents
Financial Planning for Children with Special Needs-With Mark Friese (CSNA, CRPC) & Chase Phillips (CSNA)-Saturday December 6, 2014, 10:00am-12:00pm, Lefrak Hall Current Brain Research in Autism-With Professor Elizabeth Redclay-Saturday February 7,...
Paid Research Assistant Position - Spring 2012
Jointly funded by the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences and the Department of Psychology, there are two great Emerging Scholars research opportunities in psychology now accepting applications for the Spring 2012 semester, and several...
New Course: Psyc 309-s - Social Development
In social development, we will examine how children’s social behaviors, interactions with others, personal relationships, emotions, and personality develop from infancy through adolescence. We will explore how children’s social development is shaped...