NEW COURSE: PSYC 309-S - Social Development

NEW COURSE: PSYC 309-S - Social Development

In social development, we will examine how children’s social behaviors, interactions with others, personal relationships, emotions, and personality develop from infancy through adolescence. We will explore how children’s social development is shaped both from the inside out and from the outside in. We will also investigate how biology, temperament, parenting, sibling relationships, peer interactions, schools, media, and culture influence children’s social development.

PSYC 309-S Special Topics in Psychology: Social Development
(1-3 credits) Grade Method: REG/P-F/AUD.

0101(60561) B. Stupica (Seats=40, Open=38, Waitlist=0) Books
TuTh...... 9:30am-11:00am (Room To be Arranged)

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