Research Assistants for Mind Perception and Morality Lab
Morality, blame, pain, God, cooperation, cheating and bioethics are among the topics explored by the Mind Perception and Morality. Research assistants will both actively engage in research and be exposed to the latest and greatest research in morality and mind perception. Students will help with running participants, and depending on experience and inclination, can also get involved with research design and theory development. Lab meetings will be held on Monday evenings every couple of weeks and will involve presenting research and discussing papers and research methods. Students will be expected to work ~10/hrs per week. There is a short paper due at the end of the semester, simply about your experiences in the lab. Enrollment is limited. Students will be selected based on prior grades, conscientiousness and enthusiasm. Please send a resume, a brief statement of interest and a copy of your grades to Prof. Kurt Gray [email protected]
'the New Science Of Morality' - Edge Videos With Marc Hauser
Missed seeing a key talk by one of the "THE MORAL NINE" (now "THE MORAL EIGHT") before the video was purged from Edge's website? You can still watch it! (for now at least)... The New Science of Morality - Marc D. Hauser The New Science of Morality...
Early Social Development Research Assistant Position For Spring/summer 2013!
Dr. Brenda Jones Harden is looking for bilingual undergraduate research assistants for spring semester 2013 and/or summer 2013. Study Description: Students will serve as research assistants for Dr. Brenda Jones Harden, who is conducting evaluations of...
Inter-disciplinary Morality Workshop Scheduled For December 7th!
Please join us for a one-day interdisciplinary workshop on the study of morality titled: Morality: An Interdisciplinary Science Linking the Brain, Behavior, and Society. Date: December 7th, 2012 Time: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Location: UMD Stamp Student...
Still Searching For A Spring 2012 Ra Position? Don't Miss Out On These!
Research assistants are wanted to help conduct social psychological research in the motivated cognition and mind perception and morality labs. Spring semester research topics will include: (1) motivated cognition and its...
Research Assistants Needs
RAs are wanted to help carry out social psychological research in the motivated cognition and mind perception and morality labs. Fall semester research topics will include: (1) affective transfer in motivational systems and self-regulatory success, (2)...