Inter-disciplinary Morality Workshop scheduled for December 7th!

Inter-disciplinary Morality Workshop scheduled for December 7th!

Please join us for a one-day interdisciplinary workshop on the study of morality titled:
Morality: An Interdisciplinary Science Linking the Brain, Behavior, and Society. 

Date: December 7th, 2012
Time: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Location: UMD Stamp Student Union, room 2208

This workshop will bring together experts from diverse fields including psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and public policy for interdisciplinary discussions and panel debates on morality, its origins, emergence, and manifestation in society.  Speakers include from the University of Maryland, College Park Dr. Jonathan Beier, Psychology; Dr. Melanie Killen, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; Dr. Daniel Levine, Public Policy; Dr. Kalina Michaleska, Neuroscience, NIHM, and Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; Dr. Elizabeth Redcay, Psychology; from Georgetown University: Dr. John Mikhail, Law.

The workshop aims to:
- Discuss developmental approaches to studying the origins of morality.
- Introduce neuroscience perspectives on the study of morality.
- Provide exposure to research on morality in multiple disciplines such as philosophy, law, political science, and psychology.
- Discuss the role of emotions and reasoning on moral issues.
- Provide a single platform to describe different methodological approaches to conducting research on morality.

Registration is free. Lunch will be served.

To register, please visit:
For questions e-mail [email protected]

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