Remembering Not to Remember
The new issue of Wired magazine has an article about a book to be published later this year about remembering and forgetting in the digital age, which sounds like it could be an excellent read.
How would we manage unlimited memory?
Women Are Better Than Men At Remembering To Remember
Prospective memory is the term psychologists use for when we have to remember to do something in the future – like stopping for milk on the way home from work. It requires not just remembering what to do, but remembering to remember at the right time....
Childhood Amnesia Kicks In Around Age 7
You could travel the world with an infant aged under 3 and it's almost guaranteed that when they get older they won't remember a single boat trip, plane ride or sunset. This is thanks to a phenomenon, known as childhood or infantile amnesia, that...
Gordon Bell's Digital Memory
Brain food: the problem with digital memory Digital memory means we can store more than ever before. But isn't it important, sometimes, to forget? Aditya Chakrabortty The Guardian Tuesday 3 November 2009 Read the article...
Difference Between The Future & The Past?
New Scientist reports on several studies which suggest that there may not be such a difference between the future and the past, at least in our brains. From the free abstract on the New Scientist web site, author Jessica Marshall writes: "IMAGINE your...
Splogs = Bad News
An article in the September issue of Wired: Spam + Blogs =Trouble answers the question "why do I have to type 'zvtmzu' to post a comment on your blog?!" Because of splogs & link farms. Blech. Jon Gordon on Future Tense interviewed Charles C. Mann,...