Religion on the brain

Religion on the brain

Via Omni Brain: The right and left brain according to the Bible, a bizarre sample from a site that makes up metaphors from the Bible to explain hemispheric brain functioning (plus AI from the Bible). Need I comment?

There's also Christian content in this podcast (yes, another podcast, I ought to start another blog just for them) about neuroethics in neuromarketing, but it's a light touch of moralizing with a distinction between Christians and non-, and Dr. Cranston has megacredentials - there's logic. Listen to "Neuromarketing": Unethical Advertising?

To those who call the resultant advertising "coercion," I respond by pointing out that to hold this is to assume that the consumer is a bungling, mindless individual, who will be swayed by whatever new and sophisticated advertisement comes along. This is insulting. People aren't, and won't be, this vulnerable to the power of suggestion.

...Since there is no convincing evidence that it is ethically wrong and further research in this area may prove very helpful to many hurting people, the argument could be made that we actually have an obligation to pursue this technology.

Tags: neuroethics neuromarketing religion AI podcast

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