PSYC Gear Design Contest
Have an idea for some great PSYC Gear? Submit your design for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to the online store. The submission deadline is February 28, 2013, so fire up the right side of that brain and get ready to see your creation featured on your fellow PSYC Terps!
Designs will be featured on the back of clothing items like the ones currently on the store. The best way to create and submit your design is with PhotoShop (which is available for free to UMD students). Click to
download the PhotoShop template. If you need technical assistance scanning a drawing or moving another image format into the PhotoShop template please consult the OIT Helpdesk.
The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2014. Voting will take place in March.
Contest Rules
- You must be a current UMD student and a PSYC major in good standing in order to be eliglble to enter the contest. Faculty, staff, graduate students, alumni and other students may submit designs for consideration but are not eligible for the contest prize.
- Your design must be your own original creation and may not include any images or text that is copyrighted or trademarked (even in parody). That includes trademarks of the University of Maryland such as:
- Any depiction of Testudo
- The word "Maryland" or a large "M"
- Any UMD logo (seal, flag, shell, etc.)
- Any depiction of a turtle (even original or abstract representations)
- The word "Terps" or "Fear the Turtle"
- The design must not contain anything vulgar, offensive, hateful or otherwise inappropriate for the Department's online store.
- The Department of Psychology may use its discretion in determining which designs will be included in contest voting and on the online store, how the contest and voting will be structured and that all decisions are final.
- By submitting a creative design to this contest you will retain the personal copyright but must grant permission, without restriction, to the Department of Psychology to use that design in part or whole without any right to claim compensation or damages.
Submission Instructions:Using the template linked above, save your PSD file to a network drive and submit the link hereThere are many ways to do this... For example, you can create a free account on DropBox, upload your design to your "public" folder and then copy the link. For instructions on how to do that click here.
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