Paid research study participants needed for CASL Lab Study!

Paid research study participants needed for CASL Lab Study!

Center for Advanced Study of Language
Paid Research Study Participants

Description: ¿Estudias el español? ¡Participa en un estudio! The Language Learning and Cognition Study is recruiting participants! Participate in 14 sessions of 1-2 hours each at the Patapsco building (a short walk from College Park Metro, accessible by Shuttle #104). You will be asked to complete cognitive tasks and questionnaires, as well as training tasks on an iPad. Receive $240 for completing the study ($5 each for sessions 1-13, and $175 at the final session). After completing session 14, you will get a raffle entry to win one of 10 $200 gift cards!

-18-30 years of age
-monolingual native speaker of English
-currently enrolled in a 300 level Spanish course or completed a 300 level Spanish course within the past year
-not started studying Spanish before age 12
-no immersion experience of longer than 1 month in a Spanish-speaking country
-Review additional criteria, get more information, and sign up on the Paid SONA System

How to participate:
Review additional criteria, get more information, and sign up on the Paid SONA System Also feel free to contact the Language Learning and Cognition Team at [email protected]

- Paid Research Study Participants Needed For Casl Lab Study!
Center for Advanced Study of Language Paid Research Study Participants Description: ¿Estudias el español? ¡Participa en un estudio! The Language Learning and Cognition Study is recruiting participants! Participate in 14 sessions of 1-2 hours each...

- Earn Up To $175 For Participating In A Language Learning And Cognition Study!
¿Estudias el español? ¡Participa en un estudio! Center for the Advanced Study of Language Description: The Language Learning and Cognition Study is recruiting participants! Participate in 14 sessions of 1-2 hours each at the Patapsco building (a...

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Paid Research Participants CASL (Center for Advanced Study of Language)  Auditory Training Study Responsibilities: Participate in 12 1.5-2 Hour Sessions of questionnaires and computerized tasks at the UMD Center for Advanced Study of Language (near...

- Participants Needed For Casl Auditory Training Study!
Paid Research Participants CASL (Center for Advanced Study of Language) Auditory Training Study Responsibilities: Participate in 12 1.5-2 Hour Sessions at the Center for Advanced Study of Language completing questionnaires and performing computerized...

- Get Paid To Participate In A Learning And Cognition Study!
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