P300-Directed Robot

P300-Directed Robot

Human Thoughts Control New Robot

A simple control scheme for a robot at University of Washington that can pick up objects based on user P300 signal when it passes one. Interesting cross-disciplinary work, but not tremendously advanced; simply a 'proof of concept', according to Rajesh Rao, lead researcher.

- Transrobotism
Image: the best-in-show bot at Robogames 07. When I blocked its path, it stopped moving forward and asked my name. I didn't answer but took this photo. Relationships with robots are examined in this interesting video (or listen to audio alone). ...

- Robotto Kânibaru
Encephalon - A neuroscience carnival Third edition available at Thinking Meat. Read about human-robot communication. Robot Carnival...

Monkey’s Thoughts Propel Robot, a Step That May Help Humans - New York Times More good work from the Nicoleilis group at Duke. Premotor movements of a walking monkey activate leg motions of a robot. The next step in this progression might be to balance...

- Telerobot
It blinks and fidgets in its seat, moving its foot up and down restlessly, its shoulders rising gently as though it were breathing. These micromovements are so convincing that it's hard to believe this is a machine -- it seems more like a man wearing...

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