Monkey’s Thoughts Propel Robot, a Step That May Help Humans - New York Times
More good work from the Nicoleilis group at Duke. Premotor movements of a walking monkey activate leg motions of a robot. The next step in this progression might be to balance them using the monkey's movements...
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7 (god Is A Number Part 4)
If Man is 5... If Man is 5 If Man is 5 Then the Devil is 6 Then the Devil is 6 Then the Devil is 6 And if the Devil is 6 Then God is 7 Then God is 7 Then God is 7 This monkey's gone to heaven This monkey's gone to heaven ...etc. Monkey gone to...
Robot nurses could be on the wards in three years, say scientists (with cute robot pic.)...
P300-directed Robot
Human Thoughts Control New Robot A simple control scheme for a robot at University of Washington that can pick up objects based on user P300 signal when it passes one. Interesting cross-disciplinary work, but not tremendously advanced; simply a 'proof...
Recognition At The Mirror
From The New York Times:Who's That Strange Monkey in the Mirror? By NICHOLAS WADE The New York Times Published: July 26, 2005 Humans, the great apes and, probably, dolphins share an intellectual skill unusual in the animal world: they recognize...
Hal-5 (hybrid Assistive Limb): Possibilities To Mine For Apps For Older Or Disabled Persons?
From the Australian news network, ABC:Robot suit to help create 'supermen' Tuesday, June 7, 2005. 3:18pm (AEST) Full report Japan has taken a step into the world of science fiction with the release of a robot suit that can help workers lift heavy...