Obsequious Science Spam

Obsequious Science Spam

How many of you have gotten this pitch in your e-mail?

Subject: Searching for Scientific and Medical Experts

Dear Scientist,

You are invited to join our global professional network of scientists.

The Science Advisory Board is a worldwide panel of life science professionals that convenes electronically to voice opinions on a wide range of topics.[NOTE: in other words, it's a focus group.] Our members range from Department Heads and Principal Investigators to Lab Technicians and graduate students from some of the world's finest universities, research centers and hospitals.

Why you? We continually look for scientists who have achieved recognition in their field. You have come to our attention as a result of one of our recent research projects. The point is, not just anyone gets in. Only really smart scientists. [NOTE: I must be a really smart scientist, then.]

What's in it for you? Here's how your colleagues answer that one:

"It's astonishing what one can find on the site now: recommendations, protocols, philosophy, humor, contacts, ethics, weblogs, and even jobs." - Michael Corey, Ph.D., of Chromos, Inc. and author of the "Scientist Errant" blog

. . .

What do you get? Maybe there's no such thing as a free lunch, but you really do get free stuff. We value your opinion - and are willing to trade you something for it. Share with other members - book reviews, Web reviews, articles, member spotlights, opinion studies - and shop (for free) in our online store. Choose from watches, cameras, toys, appliances, electronics - and for larger projects, enjoy significant cash rewards.

So how much does membership cost? Nothing. Membership is free.

Why now? Qualified scientists who register quickly (let's say... by next Wednesday, September 24) get 50 points toward free stuff just for joining.

So how do you register? Leave your credit card in your wallet and click on http://www.scienceboard.net/register/ to apply for membership. Get connected to the largest network in the world of other people who do what you do.


Kat Henwood
SAB Membership Coordinator
[email protected]

P.S. Thinking about it? Log onto www.scienceboard.net and explore. We think you'll like what you see. But don't take too long to decide. Register by Wednesday, September 24 and receive 50 free points to get you started.

Oh, darn! Looks like I missed out!!
Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Subject: Reminder: Searching for Scientific and Medical Experts

Dear Scientist,

As I mentioned in my email to you last week, this Wednesday, September 24, is the last day to earn 50 free points when you apply for membership to The Science Advisory Board.
I will no longer earn 50 free points when I join The Science Advisory Focus Group.

Credit for the central image goes to Jeremy Kalgreen of WearScience.

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