Note to Self

Note to Self

Find out when "the World's Biggest Airliner" is going to be on The Learning Channel. Ben Bowie, British documentarian (?) spent two years following the creation of the world's biggest airplane, the Airbus A380. Seats 500-800!

Great article about same in the June 11, 2005 issue of New Scientist. Get the full-text from LexisNexis or the library's copy.

- Stereo Sue And Me
My eye doctor was interviewed by Oliver Sacks last year! He wrote about her in the New Yorker! (that's about as close as I'll come to being published in the New Yorker, so I'm rather excited). Here's the deal: Dr. Theresa Ruggiero prescribed...

- A Linguistic Anthropologist In Brazil
Heard an interview with linguistic anthropologist Dan Everett (mp3) on "Sci Pod", New Scientist's podcast. Everett talks about the Piraha (pronounced "pita ha", best I can tell without a phonetic alphabet) people's lack of words for numbers and...

- Institutional Repository, Me?
Yes, it’s true! I have put my recent conference presentation into the University of Connecticut’s Institutional Repository. See for yourself, and let me know what you think. I may add more materials, but there are some issues to be worked out. Should...

- More About Al Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language
The New York Times reported on Feb. 1, 2005 about a new sign language developing in the Negev desert of Israel. More recently, New Scientist covered the story as well, in their Oct. 22, 2005 issue. In A language is born, Michael Erard reports several...

- Trial Databases At Hampshire
'Tis the season for trials! - LLBA (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts), a swell database for linguistics research. Coverage 1973-present. Trial runs through June 10, 2005. - RefWorks is a citation manager database which enables you to manage...

