Trial Databases at Hampshire
'Tis the season for trials!
- LLBA (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts), a swell database for linguistics research. Coverage 1973-present. Trial runs through June 10, 2005.
- RefWorks is a citation manager database which enables you to manage citations for your Div III and other papers online. You must create a free account to use RefWorks, and if you want to access this from off-campus, you must enter Hampshire's group ID to access your account:
RWHampC. Trial runs through May 31, 2005.
- NewsBank -- America's Newspapers & World Newspapers. Covers over 1500 newspapers in the U.S. and around the world. Generally mid-1980s to present. Trial runs through early June 2005.
These are all on the library's Trial page as well. Note: these are for Hampshire campers only.
Free Full-text Access To Sage Neuroscience Journals
Following their free access promotion to their psychology journals (ongoing to the end of this month), the academic publisher Sage is now offering free full-text access to its range of neuroscience and neurology journals, including: the American Journal...
Next Gen Libraries & Refshare (e.g)
Been thinking about what I saw & heard at the Next Generation Library Catalogs session at UMass last week. What struck me most was David Lindahl (Director of Digital Library Initiatives at the University of Rochester) said in his prefatory remarks...
Linguistics & Reference Questions
Interesting article in the May 2005 issue of the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology on linguistics & answering reference questions. Hampshire doesn't have access to the full-text online, but you can read the citation...
Site Of The Week
In the "tooting our own horn" department, comes the Hampshire Library's Site of the Week. The sites are not necessarily related to Cognitive Science, but definitely interesting -- and are chosen weekly by Hampshire librarians. Take a look at the past...
Hampshire "trials" Openurl With Google Scholar
Google Scholar now includes HC Links! Search in Google Scholar and click on "Hampshire Access" in results. You'll see if Hampshire has access to the journal online, or if it's available in the library. It only works from