Nineteenth Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting
The 2012 CNS Meeting will be held in Chicago from March 31 to April 3. The schedule is packed with three and a half days of symposia, slide sessions, posters, and distinguished lectures.
It will be quite an Event, with sessions on Music and the Brain, Your Brain on Food, and more!
See you in Chicago!
Symposium Session 4
Tuesday, April 3, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Grand Ballroom
The Brain on Food: Investigations of motivation, dopamine and eating behaviors
Chair: Laura Martin, University of Kansas Medical Center
Speakers: W. Kyle Simmons, Susan Carnell, Dana M Small, Laura M Holsen
Food is a highly motivating stimulus in our environment. We eat for many non-homeostatic reasons, such as celebration, comfort, and hedonic pleasure. Novel investigations of the neural basis of healthy and disordered eating reveal that throughout the multisensory process of food consumption, sensory, reward processing and cognitive control brain regions work together to keep track of how rewarding the experience is and help us decide whether or not to continue eating. A complete cognitive neuroscience model of food motivation requires understanding the sensory, reward, and cognitive mechanisms associated with healthy eating, and how those mechanisms can run amok. The first talk will review recent fMRI studies in lean individuals which identify how neural systems involved in retrieving food taste and reward information contribute to food motivation and food-related decision making. The second talk describes a study that uses multi-modal (visual and auditory) food cues to examine a dynamic, distributed reward-related network specifically associated with subjective ratings of cue-induced desire to eat in lean and obese women. The third talk provides evidence suggesting that overweight individuals show deficits in dopamine-dependent learning, as indicated by reduced error signal generation in the OFC and ventral striatum, and impaired insula-mediated flavor-nutrient conditioning. The final talk will bring together evidence across the spectrum from healthy to disordered eating behaviors by examining the neural circuitry underlying differences in food motivation between anorexia, healthy weight, obese, and Prader-Willi syndrome populations. Together, the talks will provide a stimulating introduction to the networks involved in food motivation.
The Brain's Fatty Food Radar
The human brain recognises the difference between low and high-fat food with the same automatic efficiency as it exhibits when discriminating happy and sad faces, and living and non-living entities. Ulrike Toepel and colleagues who made the...
Mindless Eating: The Food Decisions We Don’t Realise We’re Making
How many food-related decisions do you think you make every day? When Brian Wansink and Jeffery Sobal of Cornell University asked 139 participants this question, the average answer was 14 decisions. But then the participants were asked to break a typical...
The Hunger:
The PYY and Dopamine Issue Brain 'hunger pathways' pinpointed 12:05 15 October 2007 Anna Gosline The brain circuitry that influences how much food a person will eat – whether they feel starving or full – has been revealed by a new imaging...
Today's Disorder: Prader Willi Syndrome
According to the Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (UK): Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) was first described in 1956 by Swiss doctors, Prof. A Prader, Dr A Labhart and Dr H Willi, who recognised the condition as having unique and clearly definable features....
Orexin And The Lateral Hypothalamus
From the National Institutes of Health (NIH):FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, August 25, 2005 Researchers Identify a Brain Chemical That Plays a Key Role in Food and Drug-Seeking Behavior New research performed in rats suggests that orexin, a...